The g-function and Defect Changing Operators from Wavefunction Overlap on a Fuzzy Sphere
Zheng Zhou, Davide Gaiotto, Yin-Chen He, Yijian Zou
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https://docs.fuzzified.worldStudying the 3d Ising surface CFTs on the fuzzy sphere
Zheng Zhou, Yijian Zou
arXiv : 2407.15914A new series of 3D CFTs with Sp(N) global symmetry on fuzzy sphere
Zheng Zhou, Yijian Zou
arXiv : 2410.00087
The SO(5) Deconfined Phase Transition under the Fuzzy Sphere Microscope: Approximate Conformal Symmetry, Pseudo-Criticality, and Operator Spectrum
Zheng Zhou, Liangdong Hu, W. Zhu, Yin-Chen He
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Davide Gaiotto, Justin Hilburn, Jaime Redondo-Yuste, Ben Webster, Zheng Zhou
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Slightly broken higher-spin current in bosonic and fermionic QED in the large-N limit
Zheng Zhou, Yin-Chen He
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Zheng Zhou, Zheng Yan, Changle Liu, Yan Chen, Xue-Feng Zhang
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Fractal Quantum Phase Transitions: Critical Phenomena Beyond Renormalization
Zheng Zhou, Xue-Feng Zhang, Frank Pollmann, Yizhi You
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Zheng Yan, Zheng Zhou, Yan-Hua Zhou, Yan-Cheng Wang, Xingze Qiu, Zi Yang Meng, and Xue-Feng Zhang
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Quantum tricriticality of incommensurate phase induced by quantum domain walls in frustrated Ising magnetism
Zheng Zhou, Dong-Xu Liu, Zheng Yan, Yan Chen and Xue-Feng Zhang
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Universal critical behavior in the ferromagnetic superconductor Eu(Fe0.75Ru0.25)2As2
Zheng Zhou, W. T. Jin, Wei Li, S. Nandi, B. Ouladdiaf, Zheng Yan, Xinyuan Wei, Xuguang Xu, W. H. Jiao, N. Qureshi, Y. Xiao, Y. Su, G. H. Cao and Th. Brückel
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Zheng Yan, Zheng Zhou, Olav F. Syljuåsen, Junhao Zhang, Tianzhong Yuan, Jie Lou and Yan Chen
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Slightly broken higher-spin current in bosonic and fermionic QED in the large-N limit
Master thesis defence, Perimeter Institute, 14 Jun. 2022
SlidesFractal quantum phase transitions: Critical phenomena beyond renormalisation
Condensed Matter Friday Club, Perimeter Institute, 5 Feb. 2022
SlidesSimulating Rokhsar-Kivelson quantum critical point in a realistic quantum Ising model
Condensed Matter Friday Club, Perimeter Institute, 24 Sept. 2021
SlidesSimulating Rokhsar-Kivelson quantum critical point in a realistic quantum Ising model
Conference on Computational Physics, Coventry (Online), 3 Aug. 2021
VideoTutorial on stochastic analytical continuation
HKU-UCAS study group of numerical methods, The University of Hong Kong, 8 Nov. 2019
Slightly broken higher-spin current in bosonic and fermionic QED in the large-N limit
Master thesis, under the supervision of Prof. Yin-Chen He, Perimeter Institute, May 2022
LinkA quantum Monte Carlo study on novel quantum phases in frustrated systems and open systems
Bachelor thesis, under the supervision of Prof. Yan Chen, Fudan University, May 2020