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The Wonder of Physics (4th Edition) by A. A. Varlamov & L. G. Aslamazov
This popular science book, by my professor Andrey Varlamov from Rome University, talks about physics around our daily life in sports, kitchen, outdoors, etc. in the most intriguing and clearest way. I myself have the honour to participate in the writing of one chapter (Ch. 20, 'Boiling, steaming or Rinsing?') which talks about the physics in Chinese cuisine, including Siaulon Pau (小籠包) and Hot Pot. This chapter can also be found in arXiv:1806.09912.
The Art of English Calligraphy
In this talk, I introduced the brief history of Latin Calligraphy and gave a brief instruction on learning Copperplate, in particular, Spencerian penmanship and Engravers' script.